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Marriage Planning > Wedding Planning

Holding Hands

For Engaged Couples

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Personal Development... for building a life together.

Women will work through the Soul Detox for Women Men will work through the Soul Detox for Men
with both individual and joint activities to build a solid foundation for a healthy, joyful marriage.


What is the Soul Detox?

The Soul Detox is a virtual, relationship readiness program created to help each person get relationship ready through self exploration and personal growth.  The program starts with you growing individually and ends with you 2 growing together.

Who is the Soul Detox Engaged Couples Edition for?

For Engaged, Christ-following couples that want to set the foundation for a healthy, lasting, life-giving marriage.  In the midst of all your wedding planning, we give you a well-seasoned, proven process for marriage planning. 

What can I expect?

For 12 weeks, you and your significant other will complete the program sessions and meet monthly as a group to discuss various aspects of the session with a facilitator.

What is covered in the curriculum?
Sessions cover 3 Modules.

​MODULE 1:  The Treasure Hunt 

In this module, its all about you!  We answer the questions like "How did things get this way?" "What are my potential relationship blind spots?" or "How have I been showing up in my relationship?" Whew! Grab a shovel because we're about to dig up some stuff (treasure) to get answers! When this section is done, you'll be incredibly clear on exactly what barriers have the potential to be problematic in your new marriage (and in some cases, they are already problematic now). 

(5 Sections)

​MODULE 2:  The Transformation

This module answers the questions: "How do I become a better, healthier version of myself?" or "How do I change things?" Put on your seatbelt! Its going to be a bumpy ride!! As the name suggests, this is where you're given the tools you need to transform your life. Building on the discoveries from the 1st module, we deal with things like boundaries, limiting beliefs and forgiveness, integrity, establishing trust, etc...just to name a few. In the meantime, your significant other will be working through his/her own transformative process uniquely designed for them.

(4 Sections)

MODULE 3:  The Experiment

This module will answer the question: "How do I apply my transformation tools to in my relationship?"  We get to have some fun with this one! This experiment challenges you to put your new tools to the test collaboratively with your significant other...with lots of support and accountability along the way.

(3 Sections)

What happens once we finish the modules?

Once the program portion is over, we will continue to meet once per month to discuss various issues proactively to keep your marriage as drama-free as possible.  In our monthly meetings we will invite an assortment of seasoned marriage mentors, veterans and champions who will offer their wisdom to help you 2 grow and thrive as husband and wife based on Biblical principles.

How do we sign up?

Click below and follow the registration steps. 

What if I'm not in a relationship or significant other is not doing it with me? Can I sign up individually?

Yes! Click here.

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