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  The Love Journey

Take the                   of your life that leads to the            you want.



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Are you ready to upgrade your love life?

Would dating be easier if you:

  • became more open 

  • let go of your fear of commitment

  • believed good men existed

  • set stronger boundaries

  • allowed yourself to be more emotionally vulnerable

  • didn't feel the need to downplay your intelligence

  • simply had the skills to navigate the dating world? 

The Love Journey is the solution for you!

Our Love Journey Self-Directed Coaching Program is designed to help you on your quest for a fulfilling relationship where you are supported, protected, respected, celebrated and loved.

Other women have taken the Love Journey and here's their stories...


Overcome Heartbreak

Dr. Keisha was a new mom planning to marry her military fiancé...until she discovered he'd married someone else! She was devastated! She followed this framework and met and married the love of her life, Price.


Fix Your Picker

Korie thought she was destined to marry emotionally unhealthy men because that's all she'd ever known.  She followed the Relationship Readiness Framework and met her significant other, Tee within weeks!  They've been in a happy, supportive relationship for 2 years now.

Get out of your own way

I practice what I preach! Even me, the creator of this program, Tracy Ready, didn't even want to GET married because of tainted views I had of dating, marriage, etc.  I followed this framework and met my would be hubby within 30 days! 

Sometimes its just about getting in alignment with God's will for Him to deliver the blessing you've been waiting for!! Get aligned today sis!


The Love Journey is a monthly approach to the Soul Detox Program.

Take your time to pay for, access and complete one section per month.

Relationship Ready

The Relationship Ready format is a weekly approach to the Soul Detox Program.

Access and complete one section per week for 12 weeks.

She Has It All

The She Has It All Program is designed for high achieving women prioritize their love lives.

This program includes the Soul Detox program plus matchmaking.

Coming September 2023!

Get the Love Journey Self-Study Coaching Program + Mentoring


Your order today will cover:
-  Pre-ordering 3 Months Access to
"The Love Journey" Self-Directed Coaching Program
- 1 month access to monthly group mentoring session

Your first payment is $397 (reg. $597). After that, the price is $97 monthly to remain in the mentoring program and you can cancel MONTHLY MENTORING anytime.


Phase 1: The Treasure Hunt: Identifying the barriers that stand between you and love

Do you find yourself constantly frustrated with men, dating, and love OR are you simply at your wit's end about how to improve your dating experience? With the Treasure Hunt Coaching Booklet, you can navigate through this challenging phase of your journey and come out the other side with greater clarity and self-awareness. You'll find that any negative feelings about your love journey will start to dissipate.

Phase 2: The Transformation: Becoming The Person You Need To Be to Receive The Love You Want to Have

Can you imagine approaching dating with confidence, anticipation and excitement?  By the time you finish The Transformation Coaching Booklet, you'll have all the practical and essential tools you need to be properly positioned to launch your net into the dating pool and attract some really great men, fix your "picker" and your "magnet", set healthier boundaries (not barriers), improved communication, fewer triggers, and so much more.

Phase 3: The Implementation: Taking Action Toward the Love You Want

By the end of The Implementation Coaching Booklet, you'll be saying, like so many other clients who complete this phase of the journey, "these were the best dates of my life!" You'll learn the strategy of actually applying the transformation to your dating journey.  

Get the Love Journey Self-Study Coaching Program + Mentoring


Your order today will cover:
-  Pre-ordering 3 Months Access to
"The Love Journey" Self-Directed Coaching Program

- 1 month access to monthly group mentoring session

Your first payment is $397 (reg. $597). After that, the price is $97 monthly to remain in the mentoring program and you can cancel MONTHLY MENTORING anytime.


Still wondering if this is for you? 


How will this program help me find love?
This program is designed to help you walk through the exact Relationship Readiness framework that has led to my clients meeting better quality men and in some cases, dating and marrying their husbands. This framework has a strong history of success.


Is this for me?

The Love Journey is for single women who want to remove any barriers that stand between them and the love they desire.  This often accelerates God's move in her love life. 

What types of issues will I explore?
The course cover personal development topics such as family of origin, boundaries, limiting beliefs, etc.  After the personal development phase of your love journey,  we will deep dive into dating strategy where you'll learn how to optimize your dating profile, date safely to be more likely to avoid scams and predators, date without heartbreak, cleanse your dating pool and while we can't guarantee a husband, you'll be in the best position to meet your husband.

What is included in my purchase today?
For our introductory period save $225! The Love Journey Relationship Readiness Coaching Program (3 Month Access) + 1 Month MotiBAEtion Mentoring Access is $397. After 30 days, ongoing mentoring is $97 monthly. Cancel at anytime.

(Regular prices are $497 for 3 Month Course Access and $125 monthly for mentoring).


Will I be receiving the booklets in the mail?

No, the booklets are apart of the course and at this time, they will only be available as e-books to help guide you along your love journey. Think of this as an online course with required e-books (that are included).

How long does it take to complete the program?
We recommend allowing 30 days for each phase of the course (3 phases total) as there are thought provoking questions and activities that will challenge your patterns, thought processes and behaviors that are currently barriers between you and love. But it can be completed quicker.

Why should I keep MotiBaetion Mentoring monthly?
Through the mentoring program, you will will accelerate your progress towards the love you want!

  • Live group sessions with The Love Journey creator and founder Tracy Ready,  Dating Coach and Strategist 

  • Additional clarity about assignments and activities in the booklets

  • Advice and recommendations from other who've successfully completed the love journey and so much more

If you desire love, what's the cost of doing nothing?

Only you can answer that.

One more question...

Get the Love Journey Self-Study Coaching Program + Mentoring


Your order today will cover:
-  Pre-ordering 3 Months Access to "The Love Journey" Self-Directed Coaching Program
- 1 month access to monthly group mentoring session

Your first payment is $397 (reg. $597). After that, the price is $97 monthly to remain in the group mentoring program and you can cancel MONTHLY MENTORING anytime.


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